


“I have been a member for many years yet have barely ever emailed you. You should take this as a compliment as I have never needed to as you run a very thorough and transparent service. I make my living from betting and usually use betting services as a second opinion to compliment my own thoughts. You are 1 of only 2 services that I have ever just followed blind as I trust your opinion fully.”

Jack Ovala

“I will keep my feedback short and sweet. Just keep doing what you are doing. Nothing needs changing you have got it just right as it is.”

Mahmud Arucup



“Sat here trying to think of some negatives to give you some constructive feedback but to be honest I can’t think of anything. Everything is pretty much spot on. You run a very professional service and I wish there were more like you.”

Sasha Olmotev

“A shining example of how to succeed in a betting niche and how to be a solid and professional tipster service”

Jackson Bretford

